Genome-wide Association Analyses Identify 95 Risk Loci And Provide Insights Into The Neurobiology Of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing a traumatic event. It’s characterized by symptoms like intrusive thoughts, heightened arousal, avoiding reminders of the trauma, and negative changes in mood and thinking. For some individuals, these symptoms persist long after the traumatic experience has ended, significantly impacting their quality […]

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The Collaborative Study On The Genetics Of Alcoholism: Genetics

This review presents a comprehensive evaluation of genetic methodologies and findings stemming from the family-centered Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). COGA’s primary objective was to identify genes influencing the susceptibility to alcohol use disorder (AUD) and its related complications. Notably, COGA was an early adopter of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) while also […]

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Alcohol Use Disorder, Psychiatric Comorbidities, Marriage and Divorce in a High-risk Sample

  Previous studies demonstrate the associations between alcohol use disorders (AUD) and marital outcomes in general population samples, and the associations between AUD and marital outcomes have tangible costs, because a body of work shows links between marriage with better health and well-being. This study made use of data from the Collaborative Study on the […]

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Binge and High-Intensity Drinking – Laboratory Assessment and Underlying Risk Factors

  Some patterns of alcohol consumption are riskier than others. How rapid consumption of alcohol contributes to the increased risk of alcohol use disorder is unclear. We developed an experiment in which participants were given specific control over how quickly their breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) changes, and then tested for relationships to risky drinking patterns. […]

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The Research is In: It’s Nature AND Nurture

Science tells us that both our genes AND our environments shape the likelihood that we will develop problems with alcohol use. Because the COGA study has a wealth of data on both genetics and environments, our investigators are uniquely positioned to explore both simultaneously. See the summaries of a few recent publications to better understand […]

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The Importance of Genes When Determining Risk

  Alcohol use disorder is genetically influenced, but there’s no one gene that influences risk. We can now measure one’s genetic vulnerability to some common disorders using polygenic risk scores (PRS), which combine the effects of many genes into a single risk score. At the moment, PRS summarize only a small portion of an individual’s […]

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Exploring Externalizing Behavior in COGA

man drinking alcohol bottle next to DNA strand

“Externalizing” refers to a spectrum of behaviors and disorders related to impulse control. It includes substance use disorders, behavioral outcomes like risky sex, and childhood outcomes like ADHD or behavior problems. One of the ways genes influence risk for alcohol use disorders is through externalizing pathways. COGA investigators have been at the front line of […]

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News You Can Use: How does Service Use for Alcohol Problems Relate to your Generation?

A seated young man is in a session with a female therapist

What was studied and why? Understanding the context around why people seek out help and treatment (aka services) for alcohol problems can help researchers and clinicians to better study and support those same individuals’ treatment and recovery. Service use patterns for alcohol problems have changed over the years, whether it be due to policy (e.g., […]

Posted in Development/Progression, Environmental Factors, News, Other

Worried About Alcohol Use During the Pandemic?

a large array of wine bottles

COGA researcher, Dr. Danielle Dick, contributed a blog post to Psychology Today titled “Worried About Alcohol Use During the Pandemic?” The full text can be found at   In the article, Dr. Dick addresses the increase in alcohol sales that has been seen across the country since the start of COVID-19 shelter in place orders. […]

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Alcohol sensitivity as a risk factor for heavy drinking and alcohol problems

strands of DNA

General background about how genes contribute to alcohol use disorder risks: The pattern of causes of alcohol use disorders are typical of most diseases such as heart attacks and diabetes in that genes contribute to the risk in the context of the environment and a person’s opinions and attitudes (e.g., Schuckit et al., 2011, 2012b). […]

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