Predictors of Risk and Resilience for Future Alcohol Problems Associated with a Low Level of Response to Alcohol

Researchers investigated future prevention protocols for reducing heavy drinking and alcohol-related issues in individuals with a low response to alcohol, a genetically influenced risk factor for recurring alcohol problems. Recent research has shown that addressing factors such as associating with heavy drinking peers, holding inaccurate beliefs about the benefits of heavy drinking, and using alcohol to cope with stress can mitigate the risk of alcohol-related problems among young adults. Counseling on personality traits such as high impulsivity, sensation seeking, and low conscientiousness has also been found to decrease the risk of heavy drinking and related issues. By analyzing data from 285 young adults over nine years, this study found significant associations between a low response to alcohol and future alcohol problems. These findings suggest that integrating counseling on personality traits with education on behavioral modifiers could enhance prevention efforts for individuals with low alcohol responses. Read more: 


Schuckit, M. A., Smith, T. L., Clarke, D., Mendoza, L. A., Kawamura, M., & Schoen, L. (2019). Predictors of Increases in Alcohol Problems and Alcohol Use Disorders in Offspring in the San Diego Prospective Study. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research43(10), 2232–2241.